Preventing and Treating Burns

Burns are not only painful but can also lead to serious complications if not properly prevented and treated. Whether it’s a minor burn from accidentally touching a hot surface or a more severe burn caused by flames or chemicals, knowing how to prevent and treat different types of burns is crucial for immediate and effective care.

Preventing Burns:

Keep a safe distance: Stay away from hot objects, open flames, and other heat sources. Establish clear boundaries, especially in the kitchen or near fireplaces. Using protective measures also help prevent burns, such as wearing oven mitts, heat resistant gloves, or appropriate clothing when working with hot objects or chemicals. Childproofing your home is another great way to protect small children. Installing safety gates, securing electrical outlets, and keeping hot liquids and objects out of children’s reach are all effective preventative measures. It is also a good idea to practice fire safety within your household. Educating yourself and your family about how to use a fire extinguisher and making fire escape plans can help prevent serious injuries if there is an emergency. Always make sure your smoke alarms are installed correctly and that the batteries are fresh.

Types of Burns:

While open flames are one of the most common reasons people get burned, there are various other types of burns. Friction burns occur when a hard object rubs off some of your skin. It’s both a scrape and a heat burn, for example, carpet burn. Cold burns (also called frostbite) cause damage to your skin by freezing it. This can occur with extensive time outside in freezing temperatures or if your skin comes into direct contact with something very cold for a prolonged period of time. Thermal burns occur when you touch a very hot object and it raises the temperature of your skin to the point where the skin cells start dying. Steam, hot metals, scalding liquids, and flames can all cause thermal burns. Radiation burns can be due to a sunburn, x-rays, or radiation therapy. Chemical burns occur when you come in contact with strong acids, solvents or detergents that cause your kin to burn. Electrical burns occur when your skin comes in contact with an electrical current (such as a loose live wire or electrical socket).

Degree of Burns:

The severity of the burn dictates what degree it would be classified as. A burn can range from first-degree (the least severe) to fourth-degree (the most severe). First-degree burns only affect the outer layer of your skin, for example, a mild sunburn. These burns can be painful and red, but it won’t blister and long-term damage is rare. Second-degree burns affect the outer layer of skin and the layer underneath it. Typically, your skin will be bright red, swollen, and may look shiny and wet. Blisters will appear and the burn will hurt if you touch it. Third-degree burns destroy all layers of your skin. This burn will not appear red, but may appear black, brown, white, or yellow. The nerve endings will be damaged so you won’t have any pain with this severe of a burn. Fourth-degree burns are the deepest and most severe burns. They’re potentially life-threatening as they destroy all layers of your skin, as well as your bones, muscles, and tendons.

Treating Minor Burns:

Immediate action after a burn is important as to prevent further tissue damage. Cooling the burn is the first step – you should hold the affected area under cool (not cold) running water for about 10-20 minutes to help reduce pain. After the burn is cooled, you should clean the wound. Gently cleanse the burn with mild soap and water, ensuring it’s free from any debris or foreign substances. After patting the burn dry, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel or a burn-specific ointment to promote healing and provide relief. Once the ointment is applied, use a sterile, non-stick dressing or a clean cloth to cover the burn and prevent infection. Avoid using adhesive bandages directly on the burn. Minor burns will typically heal on their own, but it is important to monitor the healing process and seek medical attention if the burn worsens.

Treating Severe Burns:

When a severe burn occurs, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Call emergency services or go to the nearest hospital if the burn is deep, larger than 3 inches in diameter, or affects the face, hands, feet, genitals, or major joints. Do not apply home remedies such as ice, butter, or adhesive bandages on severe burns, as they can worsen the condition or increase the risk of infection. If possible, it is a good idea to elevate the burned body part to help reduce swelling.

Preventing burns through caution, awareness, and safety measures is essential. However, accidents can still happen. By promptly and correctly treating burns, pain can be minimized, infections can be prevented, and healing can happen faster. It is important to remember that minor burns can typically be managed at home with proper first aid, while severe burns require immediate medical attention.

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Regardless of what type of medical situation you may be facing, Community First ER is here to help. There’s no need to make an appointment, and you won’t have to wait. Our board-certified physicians and nurses will always be ready to see you. We understand that emergencies aren’t always convenient, which is why we do everything we can to make your experience with us as hassle-free as possible. From the moment you arrive at Community First ER to the moment you leave us our compassionate and knowledgeable staff will take care of you or your family member appropriately. If your condition warrants transportation to a local hospital, we can easily arrange this using our ambulance and helipad services. Our 9,000-square-foot facility includes an onsite lab, radiology, and imaging services and is equipped to provide adult, pediatric, and adolescent emergency and critical care. We strive to provide the most effective and most efficient medical care in a stress-free and comfortable environment.

We are here to help

At Community First ER, we are committed to providing you the best possible care now and always. With adult and pediatric emergency care available, we have a team of board-certified medical and surgical specialists we consult to help manage our patients and their medical emergencies. We form relationships with local doctors to ensure that our patients have access to the best specialists for their individual needs. You can call ahead and discuss your symptoms at any time.

We are Community First Emergency Room – committed to putting your community, health, and YOU FIRST, every day.

If you are a loved one experiencing an urgent or emergency medical issue, please contact us right away at 281-343-3134.

About Community First ER

Emergency health care is a critical resource. Our commitment is to provide a personal, transparent, and concierge-driven emergency healthcare experience to our community members. Locally owned and operated by healthcare providers and partners we trust, we strive to support and create meaningful relationships with those around us. We exist to put your health and wellness first. For more information, visit our website at and engage with us on social media!


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